With June busting out all over …

there seem to be even more tasks to track, from clients who have added new containers, to renovations in my own garden, and all the details that come with raising tiny humans (or maybe I should call it raising hungry humans, since one is in full-on teenager-growth-spurt).

I recently realized that I’m type of person who has to fully complete a task before moving onto the next one. I have so many plans for the future, but find that I’ll be able to focus more purposefully when the books are closed for the quarter. Thank goodness for business productivity tips and podcasts (linked below) so I can get in some exercise while outlining new directions.

Fortunately, the end of the planting scramble leaves me more time to craft longer posts on my blog. I recently posted planting details for this rooftop garden, so you can get the look too. I have another post for a shade combination scheduled for later this month.

Rocky Mountain High

This month also sends me to Denver (twice), once for family, and once for the annual Garden Bloggers Fling. It’s a weekend jam-packed with planty goodness, in a region dear to my heart as I try to understand water use in the West, and how to garden with weather challenges. Watch my Instagram feed for snapshots as I go, and Garden Tour posts when I come back. Last year I wrote about my visit to Austin, Tx.

Creative Live

Speaking of Instagram … and Business Productivity … I periodically check in to my local Creative Live studio (did you know that was a thing?) and see if they have any interesting upcoming speakers. I discovered that Photographer Jasmine Star would be in town and applied to be in the audience.

So, I’ve been stalking her for the last month, watching how she launches her Social Curator platform with her Social Curator Challenge on Instagram. Her infectious energy is amazing, and she is extremely supportive and likeable. I’m looking forward to learning more from her in person later this month.

I’ve been drinking the Kool-aid and you’ll be seeing some fun new stuff come out on my Instagram feed and website over the next few months. Let me know if there’s anything you’ld like to know about photography and instagram!

Future Focus:

This fall, I am giving two talks on Instagram Strategy for Green Businesses, one at FarWest in Portland in August and another at Garden Comm’s Annual Convention in Salt Lake City in September. I’m starting to add additional information about using Instagram to my blog, as well. In case you missed my recent posts, you can catch up on them here. I’ll be focused on getting my mini-course up in the next month, the talks prepared, and the complete course done by the end of the summer. Didn’t I say it would be a busy summer?

Some Tools that are keeping me sane:

Free to Focus Planning – I haven’t purchased the exact system by Michael Hyatt, but am adapting his pages to my Bullet Journals, and find it so helpful to decide what tasks are worth my doing, and what should be eliminated.
The Lead to Win Podcast also by Michael Hyatt is splendid. Even if you don’t run a business, it’s a wonderful way to reflect on your work and home life balance.
The Science of Social Media – Great Podcast on Instagram tips in easy to digest episodes.



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