Dunn Gardens in Spring

There is much to write about since last we met; suffice to say that more will be forthcoming. In summary, the front lawn is gone, a new fence is built, the path is ripped out, but must be replaced before the Seattle Tilth Chicken Coop Tour in July, both the vegetable and cutting gardens have been sown, and a costume has been sewn for the Dunn Gardens Edwardian Garden Party in August.

I have barely enough time to take photos, but escaped on a rainy Sunday to visit the Dunn Gardens in March. Here are just a few for the Gardening Gone Wild Picture This photo contest, with no time to annotate now.  I still am not satisfied by the color balance; it’s a borrowed Nikon and it was raining.

[Update 6/13/15 – Yay, I won a photo contest!  It’s an honor to be appreciated by successful photographers.  See below for the winning image.]

An unusual and elegant color combination by Glenn and Charles
An unusual and elegant color combination by Glenn and Charles
Framed Pithos | #eTilth
Pithos framed for Saxon
A closer look
A closer look

Yay! I won a contest!  The above image, Erythronium with a pot, won the Gardening Gone Wild Spring Photo Contest 2015!

Erythronium detail
Erythronium detail



3 Responses

  1. Thank you very much, Laura, I thought for sure yours would win! I’ve never looked closely at dandelion seeds and you have a real knack with taking images of tiny details! As a myopic photographer, I often look for the small details and I have a hard time taking great landscape shots. And, I see you’re growing Datisca, too! It’s my new favorite plant.

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